Corporate tax in the UAE

Tax considerations are always high on the agenda when setting up a new business. It’s one of several reasons why so many companies choose to set up in the UAE from every corner of the world. The UAE has a global reputation as a tax haven – and with good reason. While it is not true to say that the Emirates is an entirely tax-free environment, there are few taxes levied here, and where they do exist, they are incredibly low.

Is there a corporate tax in the UAE?
Currently, no corporate tax is levied on profit of less than AED 375,000. The tax rate on profits above this threshold is 9%, meaning it remains one of the lowest in the world. The only exceptions to this rule are companies that produce oil and gas, branch offices of foreign banks, and some large multinationals that are taxed at a higher rate.

Is there personal income tax in the UAE?
Personal income tax in the UAE is even more straightforward than corporate tax – it is always 0%. Providing you are a tax resident in the UAE, you will pay no tax whatsoever on your personal income.

Is there income tax in the UAE for foreigners?
Once again, the answer here is no – there is no income tax in the UAE for foreigners. The Emirates levies 0% on personal income. So, provided you are a tax resident in the UAE – i.e. you are not required to pay tax elsewhere – then you will pay no tax on any earned income. Set up in a UAE free zone, and you’ll also benefit from 100% import and export tax exemption and the ability to repatriate 100% of your capital and profits and retain 100% ownership of your business (something that is not always possible on the mainland).

What are the taxes payable in the UAE?
The only taxes of note in the UAE are VAT and customs tax. Customs tax is payable on goods coming into the Emirates and is levied at a standard rate of 5%. There are exceptions to this, however: tobacco and alcohol are subject to a higher rate, while other goods are entirely exempt. Free zone businesses are also usually 100% exempt from paying customs tax. VAT is levied in the UAE at a flat 5% on most goods and services, with the exception of exports outside the GCC and a few other goods and services such as education and medical equipment.